Available in a range of prices, vinyl flooring is an affordable option for use in high traffic areas where durability and moisture resistance are important. It can be installed over existing floors. Vinyl flooring is an excellent choice, not only for waterproof ability, but for scratch & slip resistant ability.
Sixt Lumber can help you find the right flooring product to finish your project.
Never replace your porch flooring again when you use Aeratis. The only porch floor guarenteed not to buckle, cup or warp.
* Heritage Porch Flooring
* Traditions
* Universal Porch Plank
At Happy Feet vinyl flooring, we understand the flooring choice for your space is the foundation of your design. Happy Feet. Happy Floors. Happy Home.
GoBoard® by Johns Manville is an ultra-lightweight, waterproof and durable tile backer board that is easy to cut and install. GoBoard is engineered and tested for strength and durability, yet can be cut right where it’s installed using a utility knife. Plus, it’s up to 80% lighter than traditional boards. Installation time is reduced because waterproofing is built-in, eliminating extra steps since only board joints and fastener locations need to be sealed..
1”x4” TG YP Flooring
Radiant Comfort hydronic radiant in-floor isulation panels are perfect for any room. The insulation panels form a firm base for water heated floors, with two models available for new construction and retrofit projects. These panels have a groove pattern that allow plastic tubing to be easily installed for even heat transfer and energy efficiency.

~ Chaffee ~
13990 East Schutt Road
Chaffee, NY 14030
Phone: 716-492-2390
Fax: 716-492-1012
~ Little Valley ~
619 Rock City Road
Little Valley, NY 14755
Phone: 716-938-6521
Fax: 716-938-6710
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